Documentation Helpers

mailman.testing.documentation.dump_msgdata(msgdata, *additional_skips)[source]

Dump in a more readable way a message metadata dictionary.

mailman.testing.documentation.dump_list(list_of_things, key=<class 'str'>)[source]

Print items in a string to get rid of stupid u’’ prefixes.

mailman.testing.documentation.dump_json(url, data=None, method=None, username=None, password=None, sort_entries=None)[source]

Print the JSON dictionary read from a URL.

  • url (string) – The url to open, read, and print.

  • data (dict) – Data to use to POST to a URL.

  • method (str) – Alternative HTTP method to use.

  • username (str) – The HTTP Basic Auth user name. None means use the value from the configuration.

  • password (str) – The HTTP Basic Auth password. None means use the value from the configuration.

  • sort_entries (str) – The key to sort entiries.

mailman.testing.documentation.call_http(url, data=None, method=None, username=None, password=None)[source]

‘Call a URL with a given HTTP method and return the resulting object.

The object will have been JSON decoded.

  • url (string) – The url to open, read, and print.

  • data (dict) – Data to use to POST to a URL.

  • method (str) – Alternative HTTP method to use.

  • username (str) – The HTTP Basic Auth user name. None means use the value from the configuration.

  • password – The HTTP Basic Auth password. None means use the value from the configuration.


The decoded JSON data structure.


HTTPError – when a non-2xx return code is received.


Call a CLI command in doctests.

Use this to invoke click commands in doctests. This returns a partial that accepts a sequence of command line options, invokes the click command, and returns the results (unless the keyword argument ‘quiet’) is True.

mailman.testing.documentation.run_mailman(args, **overrides)[source]

Execute mailman command with the given arguments and return output., owners=None, style_name=None)[source]

Create the named list and apply styles.

The mailing may not exist yet, but the domain specified in fqdn_listname must exist.

  • fqdn_listname (string) – The fully qualified name for the new mailing list.

  • owners (list of string email addresses) – The mailing list owners.

  • style_name (string) – The name of the style to apply to the newly created list. If not given, the default is taken from the configuration file.


The new mailing list.

Return type


  • BadDomainSpecificationError – when the hostname part of fqdn_listname does not exist.

  • ListAlreadyExistsError – when the mailing list already exists.

  • InvalidEmailAddressError – when the fqdn email address is invalid.

  • InvalidListNameError – when the fqdn email address is valid but the listname contains disallowed characters.