Mailman runner control
Mailman has a number of runner subprocesses which perform long-running tasks
such as listening on an LMTP port, processing REST API requests, or processing
messages in a queue directory. In normal operation, the mailman
is used to start, stop and manage the runners. This is just a wrapper around
the real master watcher, which handles runner starting, stopping, exiting, and
log file reopening.
>>> from mailman.testing.helpers import TestableMaster
Start the master in a sub-thread.
>>> master = TestableMaster()
>>> master.start()
There should be a process id for every runner that claims to be startable.
>>> from lazr.config import as_boolean
>>> startable_runners = [conf for conf in config.runner_configs
... if as_boolean(conf.start)]
>>> len(list(master.runner_pids)) == len(startable_runners)
Now verify that all the runners are running.
>>> import os
# This should produce no output.
>>> for pid in master.runner_pids:
... os.kill(pid, 0)
Stop the master process, which should also kill (and not restart) the child runner processes.
>>> master.stop()
None of the children are running now.
>>> import errno
>>> from contextlib import suppress
>>> for pid in master.runner_pids:
... with suppress(ProcessLookupError):
... os.kill(pid, 0)
... print('Process did not exit:', pid)