Source code for mailmanclient.restobjects.mailinglist

# Copyright (C) 2010-2019 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of mailmanclient.
# mailmanclient is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# mailmanclient is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
# License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with mailmanclient.  If not, see <>.
import warnings
from operator import itemgetter
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import urlencode, quote_plus

from mailmanclient.restobjects.header_match import HeaderMatches
from mailmanclient.restobjects.archivers import ListArchivers
from mailmanclient.restobjects.member import Member
from mailmanclient.restobjects.settings import Settings
from mailmanclient.restobjects.held_message import HeldMessage
from mailmanclient.restobjects.templates import TemplateList
from mailmanclient.restbase.base import RESTObject
from import Page

__metaclass__ = type
__all__ = [

[docs]class MailingList(RESTObject): _properties = ('display_name', 'fqdn_listname', 'list_id', 'list_name', 'mail_host', 'member_count', 'volume', 'self_link', 'description') def __init__(self, connection, url, data=None): super(MailingList, self).__init__(connection, url, data) self._settings = None def __repr__(self): return '<List {0!r}>'.format(self.fqdn_listname) @property def owners(self): url = self._url + '/roster/owner' response, content = if 'entries' not in content: return [] else: return [Member(self._connection, entry['self_link'], entry) for entry in sorted(content['entries'], key=itemgetter('address'))] @property def moderators(self): url = self._url + '/roster/moderator' response, content = if 'entries' not in content: return [] else: return [Member(self._connection, entry['self_link'], entry) for entry in sorted(content['entries'], key=itemgetter('address'))] @property def members(self): url = 'lists/{0}/roster/member'.format(self.fqdn_listname) response, content = if 'entries' not in content: return [] return [Member(self._connection, entry['self_link'], entry) for entry in sorted(content['entries'], key=itemgetter('address'))] @property def nonmembers(self): url = 'members/find' data = {'role': 'nonmember', 'list_id': self.list_id} response, content =, data) if 'entries' not in content: return [] return [Member(self._connection, entry['self_link'], entry) for entry in sorted(content['entries'], key=itemgetter('address'))]
[docs] def get_member_page(self, count=50, page=1): url = 'lists/{0}/roster/member'.format(self.fqdn_listname) return Page(self._connection, url, Member, count, page)
[docs] def find_members(self, address=None, role=None, page=None, count=50): data = {'list_id': self.list_id} if address: data['subscriber'] = address if role: data['role'] = role url = 'members/find?{}'.format(urlencode(data, doseq=True)) if page is None: response, content =, data) if 'entries' not in content: return [] return [Member(self._connection, entry['self_link'], entry) for entry in content['entries']] else: return Page(self._connection, url, Member, count, page)
@property def settings(self): if self._settings is None: self._settings = Settings( self._connection, 'lists/{0}/config'.format(self.fqdn_listname)) return self._settings @property def held(self): """Return a list of dicts with held message information.""" response, content = 'lists/{0}/held'.format(self.fqdn_listname), None, 'GET') if 'entries' not in content: return [] return [HeldMessage(self._connection, entry['self_link'], entry) for entry in content['entries']]
[docs] def get_held_page(self, count=50, page=1): url = 'lists/{0}/held'.format(self.fqdn_listname) return Page(self._connection, url, HeldMessage, count, page)
[docs] def get_held_message(self, held_id): url = 'lists/{0}/held/{1}'.format(self.fqdn_listname, held_id) return HeldMessage(self._connection, url)
@property def requests(self): """Return a list of dicts with subscription requests.""" response, content = 'lists/{0}/requests'.format(self.fqdn_listname), None, 'GET') if 'entries' not in content: return [] else: entries = [] for entry in content['entries']: request = dict(email=entry['email'], token=entry['token'], token_owner=entry['token_owner'], list_id=entry['list_id'], request_date=entry['when']) entries.append(request) return entries @property def archivers(self): url = 'lists/{0}/archivers'.format(self.list_id) return ListArchivers(self._connection, url, self) @archivers.setter def archivers(self, new_value): url = 'lists/{0}/archivers'.format(self.list_id) archivers = ListArchivers(self._connection, url, self) archivers.update(new_value)
[docs] def add_owner(self, address, display_name=None): self.add_role('owner', address, display_name)
[docs] def add_moderator(self, address, display_name=None): self.add_role('moderator', address, display_name)
[docs] def add_role(self, role, address, display_name=None): data = dict(list_id=self.list_id, subscriber=address, display_name=display_name, role=role)'members', data)
[docs] def remove_owner(self, address): self.remove_role('owner', address)
[docs] def remove_moderator(self, address): self.remove_role('moderator', address)
[docs] def remove_role(self, role, address): url = 'lists/%s/%s/%s' % ( self.fqdn_listname, role, quote_plus(address)), method='DELETE')
[docs] def moderate_message(self, request_id, action): """Moderate a held message. :param request_id: Id of the held message. :type request_id: Int. :param action: Action to perform on held message. :type action: String. """ path = 'lists/{0}/held/{1}'.format( self.fqdn_listname, str(request_id)) response, content = path, dict(action=action), 'POST') return response
[docs] def discard_message(self, request_id): """Shortcut for moderate_message.""" return self.moderate_message(request_id, 'discard')
[docs] def reject_message(self, request_id): """Shortcut for moderate_message.""" return self.moderate_message(request_id, 'reject')
[docs] def defer_message(self, request_id): """Shortcut for moderate_message.""" return self.moderate_message(request_id, 'defer')
[docs] def accept_message(self, request_id): """Shortcut for moderate_message.""" return self.moderate_message(request_id, 'accept')
[docs] def moderate_request(self, request_id, action): """ Moderate a subscription request. :param action: accept|reject|discard|defer :type action: str. """ path = 'lists/{0}/requests/{1}'.format(self.list_id, request_id) response, content =, {'action': action}) return response
[docs] def manage_request(self, token, action): """Alias for moderate_request, kept for compatibility""" warnings.warn( 'The `manage_request()` method has been replaced by ' '`moderate_request()` and will be removed in the future.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.moderate_request(token, action)
[docs] def accept_request(self, request_id): """Shortcut to accept a subscription request.""" return self.moderate_request(request_id, 'accept')
[docs] def reject_request(self, request_id): """Shortcut to reject a subscription request.""" return self.moderate_request(request_id, 'reject')
[docs] def discard_request(self, request_id): """Shortcut to discard a subscription request.""" return self.moderate_request(request_id, 'discard')
[docs] def defer_request(self, request_id): """Shortcut to defer a subscription request.""" return self.moderate_request(request_id, 'defer')
[docs] def get_member(self, email): """Get a membership. :param address: The email address of the member for this list. :return: A member proxy object. """ # In order to get the member object we query the REST API for # the member. Incase there is no matching subscription, an # HTTPError is returned instead. try: path = 'lists/{0}/member/{1}'.format( self.list_id, quote_plus(email)) response, content = return Member(self._connection, content['self_link'], content) except HTTPError: raise ValueError('%s is not a member address of %s' % (email, self.fqdn_listname))
[docs] def subscribe(self, address, display_name=None, pre_verified=False, pre_confirmed=False, pre_approved=False): """Subscribe an email address to a mailing list. :param address: Email address to subscribe to the list. :type address: str :param display_name: The real name of the new member. :param pre_verified: True if the address has been verified. :type pre_verified: bool :param pre_confirmed: True if membership has been approved by the user. :type pre_confirmed: bool :param pre_approved: True if membership is moderator-approved. :type pre_approved: bool :type display_name: str :return: A member proxy object. """ data = dict( list_id=self.list_id, subscriber=address, display_name=display_name, ) if pre_verified: data['pre_verified'] = True if pre_confirmed: data['pre_confirmed'] = True if pre_approved: data['pre_approved'] = True response, content ='members', data) # If a member is not immediately subscribed (i.e. verificatoin, # confirmation or approval need), the response content is returned. if response.status_code == 202: return content # I the subscription is executed immediately, a member object # is returned. return Member(self._connection, response.headers.get('location'))
[docs] def unsubscribe(self, email): """Unsubscribe an email address from a mailing list. :param address: The address to unsubscribe. """ try: path = 'lists/{0}/member/{1}'.format(self.list_id, email), method='DELETE') except HTTPError: # The member link does not exist, i.e. he is not a member raise ValueError('%s is not a member address of %s' % (email, self.fqdn_listname))
[docs] def mass_unsubscribe(self, email_list): """Unsubscribe a list of emails from a mailing list. This function return a json of emails mapped to booleans based on whether they were unsubscribed or not, for whatever reasons :param email_list: list of emails to unsubscribe """ try: path = 'lists/{}/roster/member'.format(self.list_id) response, content = path, {'emails': email_list}, 'DELETE') return content except HTTPError as e: raise ValueError(str(e))
@property def bans(self): from mailmanclient.restobjects.ban import Bans url = 'lists/{0}/bans'.format(self.list_id) return Bans(self._connection, url, mlist=self)
[docs] def get_bans_page(self, count=50, page=1): from mailmanclient.restobjects.ban import BannedAddress url = 'lists/{0}/bans'.format(self.list_id) return Page(self._connection, url, BannedAddress, count, page)
@property def header_matches(self): url = 'lists/{0}/header-matches'.format(self.list_id) return HeaderMatches(self._connection, url, self) @property def templates(self): url = self._url + '/uris' return TemplateList(self._connection, url)
[docs] def set_template(self, template_name, uri, username=None, password=None): url = self._url + '/uris' data = {template_name: uri} if username is not None and password is not None: data['username'] = username data['password'] = password return, data, 'PATCH')[1]
def _check_membership(self, address, allowed_roles): """ Given an address and role, check if there is a membership record that matches the given address with a given role for this Mailing List. """ url = 'members/find' data = {'subscriber': address, 'list_id': self.list_id} response, content =, data=data) if 'entries' not in content: return False for membership in content['entries']: # We check for all the returned roles for this User and MailingList if membership['role'] in allowed_roles: return True return False
[docs] def is_owner(self, address): """ Given an address, checks if the given address is an owner of this mailing list. """ return self._check_membership(address=address, allowed_roles=('owner',))
[docs] def is_moderator(self, address): """ Given an address, checks if the given address is a moderator of this mailing list. """ return self._check_membership(address=address, allowed_roles=('moderator',))
[docs] def is_member(self, address): """ Given an address, checks if the given address is subscribed to this mailing list. """ return self._check_membership(address=address, allowed_roles=('member',))
[docs] def is_owner_or_mod(self, address): """ Given an address, checks if the given address is either a owner or a moderator of this list. It is possible for them to be both owner and moderator. """ return self._check_membership(address=address, allowed_roles=('owner', 'moderator'))