After delivery

After a message is delivered, or more correctly, after it has been processed by the rest of the handlers in the incoming queue pipeline, a couple of bookkeeping pieces of information are updated.

>>> from datetime import timedelta
>>> from mailman.utilities.datetime import now
>>> from import create_list
>>> mlist = create_list('')
>>> post_time = now() - timedelta(minutes=10)
>>> mlist.last_post_at = post_time
>>> mlist.post_id = 10

Processing a message with this handler updates the last_post_at and post_id attributes.

>>> from mailman.testing.helpers import (specialized_message_from_string
...   as message_from_string)
>>> msg = message_from_string("""\
... From:
... Something interesting.
... """)

>>> from mailman.config import config
>>> handler = config.handlers['after-delivery']
>>> handler.process(mlist, msg, {})
>>> mlist.last_post_at > post_time
>>> mlist.post_id